
(Photo) 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Kansai Consular Corps



The Kansai Consular Corps office is open twice per week, usually on Wednesdays and Fridays (days are subject to change). Appointments must be scheduled in advance by email. We warmly welcome your inquiries; however, please be advised that it might take several days to respond to email and telephone inquiries. We appreciate your understanding.

Kansai Consular Corps Executive Team

Dean 団長:
Ms. Carolyn Davidson, British Consul-General in Osaka.                                                                       キャロリン デービットソン在大阪英国総領事

Vice-Dean 副団長:   
Dr. Kazusue Konoike, Honorary Consul of United Republic of Tanzania in Osaka       鴻池 一季 在大阪タンザニア名誉領事

Managing Director専務理事:Mr. Kunio Imanishi, Honorary Consul of Nepal in Osaka                   今西 邦夫 在大阪ネパール名誉領事

Auditor 監事:Mr. Hidetaka Yoshikawa, Honorary Consul of Chile in Osaka                                       吉川 秀隆 在大阪チリ名誉領事

Executive Secretariat 事務局長:
Ms. Aiko Baba 馬場 愛子

Telephone and Fax: 078-611-1017 

Postal Address 住所:

Kansai Consular Corps
5-3-1 Udeduka-cho
Nagata-ku Kobe city, Japan  653-0036
