Members Directory


Country Name Title Consulate/Company Name Postal Code Building Name Address Ward City/Prefecture
Australia Mr. Trevor Holloway Consul-General  Australian Consulate-General, Osaka 540-6116 16F Twin 21 MID Tower 2-1-61 Shiromi Chuo-ku Osaka
Austria  Mr. Keiichi Yoshii Honorary Consul-General Austrian Honorary Consulate-General Osaka 530-8241 c/o Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd. 3-5, Umeda 3-chome Kita-ku Osaka
Belgium-Osaka Mr. Morimoto Tsutomu Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Osaka 530-8323 c/o Daikin Industries Ltd. Umeda Center Bld Nakazaki-nishi 2-4-12 Kita-ku Osaka
Bhutan  Mr. Tadahiko Konoike  Honorary Consul  Honorary Consulate of the Kingdo of Bhutan in Osaka  541-0044 c/o Konoike Transport Co.,Ltd HK Yodoyabashi Garden Avenue 4-3-9 Fushimimachi Chuo-ku Osaka
Cambodia Mr. Hideo Yamada Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Cambodia 530-0013   12-6, Chayamachi Kita-ku Osaka
Canada  Mr. David Perdue  Consul  Consulate of Canada in Nagoya  460-0002 6F Nakato Building  3-17-6 Marunouchi  Naka-ku Nagoya-city 
Chile Mr. Hidetaka Yoshikawa Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Chile 542-0083 c/o Takara Belmont Corporation 2-1-1, Higashi-Shinsaibashi Chuo-ku Osaka
Czech Republic Mr. Kazumasa Kuzumura Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic in Sakai 591-8502 c/o Sakai Chamber of Commerce and Industry 130-23, Nagasone-cho Sakai-shi Osaka
Denmark Mr. Shingo Torii Honorary Consul Royal Danish Honorary Consulate and Honorary Consulate of Spain 530-8203 c/o Mr. Osamu Ozawa, Deputy Consul, Suntory  2-1-40, Dojimahama Kita-ku Osaka
Democratic Republic of Congo Mr. Chris Maswana Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Osaka  596-01014   23-5 Tsugawacho   Kishiwada-city
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Mr. Aluthgamage Dharmapriya Wijayananda Honorary Consul  Honorary Consulate of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 541-0057 1304 New Life Semba  2-6-10 Kitakyuhojimachi Chuo-ku Osaka 
Ethiopia Mr. Yoshiaki Kobayashi Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in Osaka 550-0013   Nikke Yotsubashi Bld. 9F, 1-4-26, Shinmachi Nishi-ku Osaka
Federal Republic of Germany Ms. Melanie Saxinger  Consul-General Consulate-General of the Federal Republic of Germany 531-6035 35F Umeda Sky Bld Tower East 1-1-88 Oyodo-naka Kita-ku Osaka
Finland Mr. Kazuo Sumi Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of Finland In Osaka 530-0012 c/o Hankyu Corporation 1-16-1, Shibata Kita-ku Osaka
France Ms. Sandrine Mouchet  Consul-General Consulate-General of France 606-8301   8 Izumidono-cho Yoshida Sakyo-ku Kyoto
Greece Mr. George Martakas Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of Greece in Kobe 659-0024 Daichikogyo Building 1-3 Nangu-cho   Ashiya City
Guatemala Mr. Takuya Yokoyama Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Guatemala in Kyoto 615-8558 c/o Kyoto University of Foreign Studies 6 Saiin Kasame-cho Ukyo-ku Kyoto
Iceland Ms. Yuki Ikenobo Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of Iceland 604-8134 Ikenobo, 9F, Higashinotoin Nishiiru, Rokkaku-dori Nakagyo-ku Kyoto
India Mr. Chandru Appar  Consul-General Consulate-General of India 541-0056 10F Semba IS Bld 1-9-26 Kyutaro-machi Chuo-ku Osaka
Israel Mr. Shiro Mitsumune Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of Israel 650-0004 4F, Sento Center Build. 5-2-3 Nakayamate-dori Chuo-ku Kobe City
Italy Mr. Marco Prencipe Consul-General Consulate-General of the Republic of Italy 530-0005 Nakanoshima Festival Tower 17th Floor 2-3-18 Nakanoshima Kita-ku Osaka
Kansai Consular Corps Ms. Aiko Baba  Executive Secretariat  Kansai Consular Corps 653-0036 c/o Kobe International Center for Cooperation and Communication Asta Kunduka 1bankan minami 4F 5-3-1 Udeduka-cho Nagata-ku Kobe City
Kyrgyz Republic Mr. Bunno Takashi Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of the Kyrgyz Republic in Osaka 582-0023 c/o Monotec co., ltd  4259-3 Kokubuhiganjocho   Kashiwara
Laos Mr. Yoshihiro Ohno Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic in Kyoto 606-8862 64-1 Shichijyo-goshonouchi-nakamachi   Shimogyo-ku Kyoto
Latvia Mr. Tamio Ishibashi Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Latvia 530-8241 c/o Daiwa House Industry Co. Ltd. 3-3-5, Umeda  Kita-ku Osaka City
Mexico-Osaka Mr. Uchida Takashi Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of the United Mexican States 531-6023 c/o Sekisui House Group Umeda Sky Bldg., Tower East 23F, 1-1-88 Oyodonaka Kita-ku Osaka
Mongolia  Mr. Altai Enkh-amgalan Consul-General Consulate-General of Mongolia in Osaka  541-0059 301303 Bakuromachi estate Bldg, 3F 1-4-10 Bakuromachi Chuo-ku Osaka 
Myanmar Mr. Noriatsu Otomori Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar 658-0011 c/o Toa Corporation Co., Ltd. 1-7-8 Moriminami-machi Higashinada-ku Kobe-shi
Nepal Mr. Kunio Imanishi Honorary Consul-General Honorary Consulate-General of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal 543-0001 Fusion+Bldg. 8F Uehonmachi 9-21 6-chome Tennoji-ku Osaka
Netherlands Mr. Marc Johan Kuipers  Consul-General  Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Osaka-Kobe 541-0041 Kitahama 1 Chome Heiwa Building 8B 1-14 Kitahama 1-chome Chuo-ku Osaka
Norway Mr. Stian Erik Sollied Honorary Consul-General Norwegian Honorary Consulate General Kobe      651-0087 c/o DNV AS, Sannomiya Bldg, South 11th Floor  7-1-15, Goko-Dori, Chuo-ku Kobe City
Panama Mr. Alejandro DE LEON DE LA GUARDIA Consul-General   Consulate-General of the Republic of Panama 650-0034 7F Yamamoto Building 71 Kyomachi Chuo-ku Kobe City
People’s Republic of China Mr. Xue Jian  Consul-General Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China 550-0004   3-9-2 Utsubo-honmachi Nishi-ku Osaka
Peru Dr. Sen Genshitsu Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of the Republic Peru 602-0061 c/o Konnichian, Urasenke Foundation 613 Honpojimae-cho, Ogawadori, Teranouchi agaru Kamikyo-ku Kyoto
Philippines Mr. Voltaire D. Mauricio  Consul-General Consulate-General of the Republic of the Philippines 540-6124 Twin 21 MID Tower 24F 2-1-61 Shiromi Chuo-ku Osaka
Portugal-Kyoto Mr. Yoshito Naya Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of Portugal 603-8691   Kuramaguchi-agaru, Horikawa-dori Kita-ku Kyoto
Portugal-Osaka  Mr. Katsutaro Inabata  Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of Portugal 542-8558 Sakaisuji Inabata Building  1-15-14 Minamisenba  Chuo-ku Osaka 
Republic of Korea – Kobe Mr. Sangryol Lee Consul-General and Dean of the Kansai Consular Corps Consulate-General of the Republic of Korea 650-0004   2-21-5 Nakayamate-dori Chuo-ku Kobe City
Republic of Korea – Osaka Mr. Jin Chang Soo Consul-General Consulate-General of the Republic of Korea 542-0086   2-3-4  NishiShinsibashi Chuo-ku Osaka
Republic of Colombia Mr. Junzo Tateno  Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Colombia in Osaka 550-0015 c/o Union Corporation  2-13-22 Minamihorie Nishi-ku Osaka 
Republic of Congo  Mr. Christian Sarlabout  Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Congo in Kyoto  600-8427 294 Tamatsushima cho  Matsubara dori Katasumanishi iru  Shimogyo-ku Kyoto
Republic of Estonia  Mr. Tashichiro Harada  Honorary Consul-General Honoray Consulate-General of the Republic of Estonia  541-0053   3-4-12 Honmachi  Chuo-ku Osaka 
Republic of Poland  Mr. Masahiko Suruga Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Kobe 650-0004 Hyogo prefecture Ikuta Chosha 3F 6-1-1 Nakayamate-dori  Chuo-ku Kobe City
Republic of Croatia  Mr. Shigeki Ebi  Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Croatia in Osaka 550-0002   5F 1-8-2 Edobori  Nishi-ku Osaka 
Republic of Indonesia Mr. John Tjahjanto Boestami Consul-General Consulate-General of the Republic of Indonesia 530-0005 Nakanoshima Intes Building 22F., 6-2-40, Nakanoshima Kita-ku Osaka
Repuclic of Malta  Mr. Seiji Tanaka  Honorary Consul  Honorary Consulate of The Republic of Malta in Osaka 599-8103 1-9-9 Bodaicho Higashiku Sakai-city Osaka
Republic of Tunisia Mr. Ittoku Saraya Honorary Consul  Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Tunisia in Osaka 546-0013 c/o Saraya Co., Ltd 2-2-8 Yuzato Higashisumiyoshi-ku Osaka 
Republic of Türkiye in Nagoya  Ms. Damla Gumuskaya Consul-General Consulate-General ofthe Republic of Türkiye in Nagoya  460-0008 4F KF Iseya Building  3-21-23 Sakae Naka-ku Nagoya-city 
Republic of Türkiye in Osaka  Mr. Ryusei Kajiyama  Honorary Consul General  Honorary Consulate-General of the Republic of Türkiye in Osaka  564-0044 Biken Techno Corporation Head Office 2-12-1 Minamikaneden Suita city  Osaka 
Republic of Türkiye in Wakayama  Mr. Masahiro Shima  Honorary Consul General  Honorary Consulate-General of the Republic of Türkiye in Wakayama 641-8511   85 Sakata  Wakayama  Wakayama 
Romania Mr.Tomoyasu Kato Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of Romania in Osaka 543-0051 2-1-9, Shitennoji, Tennoji-ku   Osaka Osaka
Russian Federation Mr. Alexnder Terskikh Consul-General Consulate-General of the Russian Federation 560-0005   1-2-2 Nishimidorigaoka Toyonaka-shi Osaka
Serbia Mr. Naohide Ueyama Honorary Consul-General Honorary Consulate-General of the Republic of Serbia 550-0001 1-4-11 Tosabori Nishi-ku Osaka Osaka
Singapore Mr. Yozo Shimano Honorary Consul-General Honorary Consulate-General of the Republic of Singapore 590-8577 c/o Shimano Inc. 3-77 Oimatsu-cho Sakai-ku Sakai-shi Osaka
Slovak Republic Mr. Shiro Murai Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of the Slovak Republic  541-0051 c/o SIIX Corporation, SIIX Bldg. 1-4-9 Bingo-machi Chuo-ku Osaka
Spain Mr. Shingo Torii Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of Spain  530-8203 c/o Mr. Osamu Ozawa, Deputy Consul, Suntory  2-1-40, Dojimahama Kita-ku Osaka
Sweden Mr. Tomoki Wada Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of Sweden 650-0023 c/o Kinki Industrial Co., Ltd., Kobe Office 4-2-18, Sakaemachi-dori, Chuo-ku Kobe City
Switzerland Dr. Felix Moesner Consul  Consulate of Switzerland 541-0041   1-1-30-601 Kitahama Chuo-ku Osaka
Tanzania Mr. Kazusue Konoike Honorary Consul and Vice-Dean of the Kansai Consular Corps Honorary Consulate of the United Republic of Tanzania 554-0002   6-1-49, Dempo,  Konohana-Ku  Osaka
Thailand Mr. Akrapong Chalermnon Consul-General Royal Thai Consulate-General 541-0056 4F Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited Building 1-9-16 Kyutaro-machi Chuo-ku Osaka
Uganda Mr. Shiro Saraya Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Uganda in Osaka 546-0013 c/o Saraya Co., Ltd. 2-2-8 Yuzato Higashisumiyoshi-ku Osaka-shi
Ukraine  Dr. Yoshihiko Okabe Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of Ukraine in Kobe 650-0045 Kobe Gakuin University Port island 2nd campus, building 1, 4F 1-2-11Minatojima Chuo-ku Kobe
UK Mr. Michael Blyth Consul-General   British Consulate-General 541-0059 19F Epson Osaka Bld 3-5-1 Bakuro-machi Chuo-ku Osaka
USA Mr. Jason Richard Cubas  Consul-General Consulate-General of the United States of America 530-8543   2-11-5 Nishi-tenma Kita-ku Osaka
Viet Nam Mr. Ngo Trinh Ha  Consul-General Consulate-General of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam 590-0952   4-2-15 Ichino-cho Higashi Sakai-ku Osaka