Monthly Archives: December 2022

Shiga Sake Brewery Tour  滋賀酒蔵視察

“Shiga Sake Brewery Tour” was conducted by Osaka Tax Bureau and was attended by representatives from KCC members.   On the tour, GI Shiga (Geographical Indication) was introduced and we observed the sake production process and enjoyed a tasting experience.  Before visiting Sake Brewery (Fujii Honke) a presentation by the representative director of the Shiga Brewers Association was held at Omi Shonin Yashiki, (old house of Omi merchants) which has a beautiful garden. This area has been designated as an important cultural architecture preservation area. It was great opportunity to enjoy Japanese culture as well as discovering something new about Sake production process.The tour was introduced on NHK news.                  大阪国税局による滋賀酒蔵視察ツアーが行われ、近江商人屋敷での酒セミナー、藤居本家へ視察へ行ってまいりました。セミナーでは伝統的な日本酒のつくり方の紹介、GIに認定された日本酒の試飲、その後、藤居本家にて酒蔵視察。近江商人屋敷、初めて行きましたが歴史を感じる風情あるお屋敷で街並みも雰囲気もとても素敵です。NHKニュースでも紹介されました。

S&TDC visit to Panasonic R&D

S&T Diplomatic Circle activity at Panasonic R&D Headquarters in Osaka. Panasonic is well know as Japan’s largest consumer electronics company and is changing its portfolio to industrial business solutions. We firstly visited the Panasonic museum where shows  history of Panasonic created by Konosuke Matsushita. And we had a meeting with Mr. Ogawa, group CTO of Panasonic holdings and gave us a presentation of their environmental initiative “Panasonic GREEN IMPACT” and solutions to reduce CO2 emissions. Panasonic is also supporting EXPO2025 with “Panasonic Pavilion” The Ultrasonic Bath (human washing machine) was exhibited during EXPO70 and drew the attention of many visitors.Looking forward to discovering a new innovative technology in 2025!! S&TサークルにてパナソニックR&Dを訪問しました。パナソニックミュージアムでパナソニックが現在に至るまでの歴史や、松下幸之助の生涯についての展示を見学後、パナソニックホールディングスのCO2排出量の削減と、社会におけるCO2排出量の削減に対する貢献「GREEN IMPACT」についてのプレゼンテーション、多くの参加者の関心も高く活発なディスカッションも行われました。ミュージアムではEXPO’70でのサンヨー館で人気を集めた「ウルトラソニックバス(人間洗濯機)」も展示されており、EXPO 25のパナソニックパビリオンではまた斬新なテクノロジーを見ることができるのでしょうか!楽しみですね。