I am pleased to share this information regarding an upcoming Kansai-area event. This event will be open to the public.
From December 10th to January 8th the Hyogo International Association will be holding a photo exhibit titled Japan Through the Eyes of Diplomats.”
The exhibit will be held at the Hyogo International Plaza.
This exhibit features the original works of various non-Japanese diplomats representing over 35 countries, including members of our very own Kansai Consular Corps. Participants submitted works that embraced the theme “Cool Japan”.
These photos will provide the audience with unique insight into the way that Diplomats in Japan perceive and experience various aspects of Japanese culture. Additionally, I am told that the Princess of Japan is involved in selecting photos for this exhibit.
Details are provided (in Japanese) in the attached files below.
Additionally, you can find information at the following KCC Facebook page:
Please do feel free to share this information with your local communities and anyone else who may be interested!
開催期間 平成26年12月10日(水)~平成27年1月8日(木)
(搬入・設営 12月9日(火)、撤去・搬出 1月9日(金))
展示内容:日本を含む35の国と地域の駐日外交官等の作品 約50点